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Bruce McLachlan


December 16 to January 7

Lyndy Wilson

Ebb and Flow is their narrative … about daily life going well then slowing down … An exhibition that perfectly suits the currents and flows of modern life.

4/92 Wallis Street, Raglan, Waikato 3225

022 475 1141

‘Life is amazing. And then it’s awful. And then it’s amazing again. And in between the amazing and awful it’s ordinary and mundane and routine. Breathe through the amazing, hold on through the awful, and relax and exhale during the ordinary. That’s just living heartbreaking, soul healing, amazing, awful, ordinary life. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.’ – L. R. Knost

Lyndy Wilson artwork, Homecoming

Lyndy Wilson: Homecoming

Painting, as an art form, has the unique ability to serve as a mirror for life, reflecting not only the emotions and experiences of the painter but also offering a canvas for viewers to connect with and interpret their own lives. The process of creating art is a deeply personal journey, and the resulting painting can capture a range of emotions and experiences, mirroring the complexities of life itself.

Bruce McLachlan artwork, Fish Eyes

Bruce McLachlan: Fish Eyes

For the painter, time spent in the studio is a microcosm of life’s journey. The act of painting can be a source of immense joy, akin to the moments of happiness and fulfilment that life may offer. The strokes of a brush and the blending of colours become a tangible expression of the artist’s emotions, mirroring the highs and lows experienced in the broader spectrum of life.

Lyndy Wilson artwork, Night Watch

Lyndy Wilson: Night Watch

Conversely, the studio can also be a space of disappointment and challenge. Just as life presents obstacles and setbacks, the creative process may involved struggles, mistakes and the need for perseverance. The artist faces the constant push and pull between their vision and the limitations of their skills, echoing the challenges that individuals encounter in their personal and professional lives.

Bruce McLachlan artwork – Frida

Bruce McLachlan: Frida

Furthermore, the act of creating art can be soul destroying at times. The vulnerability of putting one’s emotions and perspectives onto a canvas, open to interpretation and critique, reflects the fragility of the human experience. Rejections, self doubt, and the struggle for artistic authenticity are parallel to the hardship and existential crisis that individuals confront in their life journeys.

Lyndy Wilson Emergence 1000x1000 $2100

Lyndy Wilson: Emergence

In the realm of nature and symbolism, flowers often serve as powerful metaphors. Their strength and resilience in the face of changing seasons mirror the resilience required to navigate life’s changes. The beauty of flowers, like the beauty found in small moments, encourages viewers to appreciate the subtleties and intricacies that make life rich and meaningful.

Bruce McLachlan John Lennon 800x800

Bruce McLachlan: John Lennon

Nature, as a teacher, urges us to observe closely and learn from the small changes. In the same way, a painting invites viewers to engage in contemplative process, encouraging them to examine the details and nuances embedded in the artwork.

Lyndy Wilson Hold Me Tight 920x1200 $2750

Lyndy Wilson: Homecoming

The interplay of light and shadows, the choice of colours, and the brush strokes become a visual language that communicates the artist’s perspective on life, promoting viewers to reflect on their own experiences.

Bruce McLachlan Gold 800x1050

Bruce McLachlan: Gold

In essence, a painting acts as a mirror reflecting not only the artists’ life but also offering a reflective surface for viewers to project their own narratives and emotions. The canvas becomes a shared space for contemplation, connection and a reminder to observe life’s intricate details, much like the beauty found in the smallest flower.

Lyndy Wilson Afterglow 2 1300x1200 $2900

Lyndy Wilson: Afterglow

Bruce McLachlan artwork: Marilyn

Bruce McLachlan: Marilyn

Bruce McLachlan artwork: Go On Put Yr Feet Up

Bruce McLachlan: Go On Put Yr Feet Up

Bruce McLachlan artwork: Grace

Bruce McLachlan: Grace

Lyndy Wilson artwork: Night Watch

Lyndy Wilson: Night Watch

Lyndy Wilson artwork: Life Is But A Dream

Lyndy Wilson: Life Is But A Dream 

Lyndy Wilson artwork: Invincible

Lyndy Wilson: Invincible

Bruce McLachlan artwork: Batman

Bruce McLachlan: Batman

Bruce McLachlan artwork: The Lonely Tree

Bruce McLachlan: The Lonely Tree

Bruce McLachlan artwork: Lindis Pass

Bruce McLachlan: Lindis Pass

About Bruce McLachlan

Bruce’s passion for art began at a young age. Born and bred in the Waikato, Bruce didn’t begin his formal career until 2003, upon the death of his mother. It is his technical skill and diversity that has gained him recognition.

While one canvas can depict the rolling waves of a New Zealand beach, the next a photorealistic portrait of a rock and roll legend, each a colourful addition to this artist’s extensive and diverse portfolio.

Bruce is always exploring new techniques and mediums; however it is the precision and detail he accomplishes with acrylic paint that he is best known for. This is especially evident in his portraiture work.

Bruce draws much of his inspiration from the relationships he develops throughout his life, whether it is one of his children or a complete stranger, he is captivated by each person’s unique character and expression.

About Lyndy Wilson

Lyndy is a contemporary painter of Tainui descent with works held in private collections throughout New Zealand and worldwide.

Her style can be described as diverse, eclectic and ever-evolving, which allows her the freedom to explore different subjects such as floral and botanical, abstract, landscape and more recently figurative, inspired by her heritage.

Art and Creativity have always been a passion and although mostly self taught, in 2003 she was awarded an Arts Waikato Scholarship (nominated by the Raupatu Lands Trust). This enabled her to complete a Diploma of Art and Creativity through The Learning Connexion in Wellington.

The application of paint consists of layering thick and thin paint, transparent and opaque, brushes, palette knives – rags and fingers are used, anything can become a tool. Bold gestural movements are counteracted by the need to put things in order. This is a way to process ideas, memories and feelings, the resolved work captures the essence of the experience, the goal is to bring joy or intrigue to the viewer.

Lyndy grew up and lives in the small Waikato town of Ngaruawahia and is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Waikato and Waipa rivers and the majestic Hakarimata ranges.

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4/92 Wallis Street, Raglan, Waikato 3225

022 475 1141